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 Yep its me!!

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Posts : 558
Join date : 2009-09-23
Age : 49

Yep its me!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yep its me!!   Yep its me!! EmptyAugust 3rd 2010, 3:47 pm

Well hello here Miss Moonstreet, welcome to our humble home which is your home now. Yep its me!! 980837

It's a bummer about your account being deleted. I know how important it was for you. But no need to worry here. If you have any problems just let Sarrah or I know about it and we'll see what we can do. Enjoy your stay Yep its me!! 884662
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Who's Lovin' You
Who's Lovin' You

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Join date : 2009-11-12
Age : 54
Location : JACKSONville, FL

Yep its me!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yep its me!!   Yep its me!! EmptyAugust 3rd 2010, 2:29 pm

Glad to see you here!
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Yep its me!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yep its me!!   Yep its me!! EmptyAugust 3rd 2010, 2:16 pm

MJ Welcome Moonstreet! I hope you enjoy it here...its a tad slow, but we get our rushes now and again.
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Posts : 9
Join date : 2010-08-03
Age : 48
Location : Irish, living in London

Yep its me!! Empty
PostSubject: Yep its me!!   Yep its me!! EmptyAugust 3rd 2010, 1:31 pm

well howdy doody everyone, yep its me Moonstreet from mj.com! As you might have noticed I have left the forum there, the deleteing of my account was just too much for me to cope with and really broke me, more than any disagreements or discussions I have had on there . Disagreements and discussions dont bother me, but the malicious deleting of posts for no reason is very wrong. Then theres the fact of no moderation, the daily threat of hackers and trolls and possible virus and the fact that there is no limit on the amount of accounts created. I just had enough.

Despite what you might think about me, Im not a malicious person. Im opinionated, sarcastic and have a dark humour and even though I might have clashed with people on mj.com who are members here, I prefer to at least be in a safe environment, where I know there is real human moderators.

anyways onwards and upwards, Im here now

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Yep its me!! Empty
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